I have known Rob since 1995 in my college days at Biola University. I was part of a couple of mission trips directed under his leadership and training to spend a week reaching out to Mormons in Utah. I learned much from him, and trusted his confidence in his vision. As a result of his influence in my life, I have trained others and taken a group to Utah on my own. Rob is a straight shooter that genuinely cares for the mission of God in reaching the lost. His extensive experience with and knowledge of the LDS faith gives him great credibility. He is not afraid to step out in faith and explore new ways to be more effective as a witness for the True God. I am proud to know him.
Rob's zeal and sincerity coupled with his experience for reaching LDS with the gospel is inspiring. I have sat under his teaching about Mormonism and have been with him on mission trips to Utah. I look forward to doing these activities again with him.
Mark Molsberry (with wife Lynn and baby Emma)
Biola graduate,
proud father of 4 children, and discipler of high school students at Northpoint Evangelical Free Church, Corona, CA